... the world as I see it...

torsdag 17. mars 2011

The Birds

He. Where thou dwellest, in what grove,
Tell me Fair One, tell me Love;
Where thou thy charming nest dost build,
O thou pride of every field!

She. Yonder stands a lonely tree,
There I live and mourn for thee;
Morning drinks my silent tear,
And evening winds my sorrow bear.

He. O thou summer's harmony,
I have liv'd and mourn'd for thee;
Each day I mourn along the wood,
And night hath heard my sorrows loud.

She. Dost thou truly long for me?
And am I thus sweet to thee?
Sorrow now is at an end,
O my Lover and my Friend!

He. Come, on wings of joy we'll fly
To where my bower hangs on high;
Come, and make thy calm retreat
Among green leaves and blossoms sweet.

(William Blake)

3 kommentarer:

  1. Flott bilde! Likte utsnittet veldig godt!! :)

  2. Fint bilde av koselige gjester - og fint dikt til, selv om det kan være noe vanskelig språk for oss vanlige dødelige!
    Enig - fint utsnitt!

  3. Koselig bilde med fin bakgrunn! Er så koselig ed disse små-og store fuglene som gjester rundt matfatet!
